Coronavirus (COVID-19) anxiety
The coronavirus pandemic changed everyone’s lives. It restricts us, it forces us to stop any social activity we used to physically do: concerts, theatre, training together, get a drink or a coffee, early breakfast or Sunday brunch with family or friends. Not to mention about children’s activities, and school. Oh, wait. What about the elderly?! They were highly restricted in the past due to their physical illness and other personal reasons for social distancing. Now people are experiencing isolation beyond imagination.
How can you cope?
Educate yourself about the symptoms, prevention and treatment of the coronavirus (Covid-19);
Follow strictly the steps to keep yourself and others clean and safe;
Reduce the exposure to mass-media and any gossip about the virus or potential repercussions;
Get busy indoors: listening to music, singing, practicing routine, organising your house and your social connections, take that (online) course you’ve always wanted to do, spend more time and focus on your family and loved ones, make use of imagination for your own benefit. Find your passions or explore new interests. Finish the books you’ve started long time ago. Spend time ins the garden;
Eating and sleeping well, exercising;
Understand your fears, identify your own self-talk and correct it if necessary;
Get psycho-educated about anxiety and the Neurobiology of Fear;
When you catch yourself getting panicky, anxious or avoidant, ask yourself what does that mean to you;
Accept and name your emotions;
Practice any form of mindfulness and grounding
Learn and practice gratitude;
Make your anxiety your friend;
Be patient, take deep breaths and give yourself time;
Reach out for help, speak with supportive and positive people
Looking after your mental health has a positive impact on all aspects of your life including your relationships, family, partner, children, business and work. It affects the way you think, behave and feel. Just imagine how it is to have the skills to adapt and face all the challenges that life brings you.