Weight Management

“I thought about losing weight once, but I don’t like losing” Anonymous

My first question for you is: What is your reason for wanting to be slimmer? Keep that goal in mind, and imagine how would your life be if you reach your goal.

Now there are a multitude of factors that can interfere with achieving your ideal body weight, and one of them being genetics. But I will refer mainly to emotional disturbance and unhealthy behaviours. In this case, the behaviours are turning into habits and safety seeking mechanisms that can prevent you from losing weight and maintaining it.

Unhealthy habits:

snaking unhealthy food (i.e. crisps, sweets)

eating fast food

eating out of the bag/can/container

eating more than your body needs

eating less than your body need

too much or too less exercise

eating at random hours with no clear structure

Emotional disturbance:



emotional trauma


other mental health illnesses


your weight is fluctuating drastically

you cannot maintain a healthy weight despite the numerous weight loss programs you have attended

you are unsatisfied with your body image

you are emotionally eating, binging on food

perceive lack of control over the food intake

wishing to be physically fit but not having the energy to start exercising

How can I help
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for weight management
will work with reconstructing your thoughts and beliefs for increasing your coping mechanisms. Together we will identify what is your best approach towards yourself, for getting the benefits of reaching a healthy weight.