
“The quickest way for a parent to get a child’s attention is to  sit down and look comfortable.” - Line Olinghouse

Raising biological or adopted children is parenting.
Providing a safe nurturing environment puts the basics for a healthy physical, emotional, intellectual and social development of a child. However, life is not always that simple as we would like it to be, and parenting comes with its own challenges. It all depends on the parents’ social background, wealth, culture, and their coping mechanisms. To make things more exciting, children grow and develop all at different phases and have different needs. If you are raising one or more children with medical issues, you will have to invest even more resources into parenting. 

There is a tendency for new parents to replicate the parenting styles they have been exposed to as children. However, the parenting skills can be learned, improved and changed with the proper support from a good social network and professionals.

As you can see, there are four parenting styles:


How can I help
As a parent you are supposed to skilfully manage your own emotions and behaviours, but also to comfort the little humans that you love so much, and help them explore the world. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can support you to enhance your self-regulation skills, have good time management, establish fixed ground rules and improve your relationships.