“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you have for sure.” - Oprah Winfrey
Stress is a painful emotion that impacts your body and your mind. Experiencing healthy stress is beneficial for example for you to get the vitality you need for studying for that exam, to get organised for the interview, to get ready for that public speaking event, or to get the strength for winning the competition. Healthy stress keeps you safe in certain situations, or it gives you the energy to prepare for dating the person you fancy.
The trouble starts when the levels of stress are too high, and you become overwhelmed. You feel like there is not enough time for you to do the things you are considering a priority, you find it hard to focus, sounds or people around you are starting to annoy you and that makes you explode, you lose your temper, you have no patience, everything is rushed, nothing is in order! Stop! You will be able to manage the things you want, all that you need is a little help.
If you continue to experience unhealthy stress, this is what you might end up with:
Increased chances for developing mental illnesses
Impaired memory
Increased risk for heart attack, stroke
Developing ulcers
Reduced immunity
Impaired kidney function
Feeling physically cold
My recommendation for you is to make a conscious decision to improve your coping mechanisms. Bellow is a list with some techniques that have a positive effect on stress management:
Belly breathing
Connecting with the present moment
Consciously looking at the meaning of the situation
Developing gratitude
Taking progressive action
How can I help Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can show you how to get control over the stressful situation by training your mind and body to become more relaxed and focused.