Relationship Issues
“The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself.”― Diane Von Furstenberg
Everyone wants a relationship whether to feel loved, appreciated, desired, safe. You might want to be taken care of or take care of, to pamper and to be pampered. You might have an idea about your perfect relationship and perfect partner, or you are still doing your best to find out what works for you and what doesn’t. Maybe you just broke up and you’re trying to find your feet. As clichéd as it may sound, it is true: any relationship starts with you!
I have had clients that have been on their own for years, focusing on career and devoting themselves to making the world a better place, reaching their highest potential. But when they met love, they were not ready for it! Love is not easy, it requires knowing yourself, paying attention to the other person’s needs, and communicating emotionally.
I had clients that they have been in long term abusive relationships, and life was extremely painful for them. When they finally decided to come out of it, they were so emotionally bruised but they knew they wanted to feel content and happy. With therapy, they have learnt to trust themselves, and to trust other people, they have learnt to be assertive, they have learnt that being selective is ok.
I had clients that were excessively jealous, and they found it difficult to be happy despite the fact there was no real reason for their jealousy. Those clients learned to believe in themselves and to truly trust they are enough.
There are lots and lots of reasons for a relationship not to work, but there are as many or maybe more reasons that you can make it work.
How can I help
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help you identify and practice helpful beliefs and behaviours that would allow your relationship to grow and reach its best potential.